Truman in Brussels

We are honored to share that a second edition of Tom Corbin’s monumental Truman has been unveiled in Brussels, Belgium, to mark the 75th anniversary of NATO on April 4, 2024. The eight foot tall bronze is installed at Truman Hall, the permanent residence of the U.S. Ambassador to NATO.
The unveiling ceremony was attended by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and Ambassador Julianne Smith. President Truman’s grandson and Truman Library Institute’s honorary chair, Clifton Truman Daniel, led a small Truman delegation invited to attend the historic unveiling.
The Truman statue was commissioned by the Truman Library Institute, funded by the generous support of Truman Statue sponsors. The first casting was unveiled in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol for the State of Missouri in 2022. Click HERE to view photos at the Capitol.
ABOVE, L to R: Polly & Clifton Truman Daniel; Secretary Blinken; Ambassador Smith; NATO Sec. Gen. Stoltenberg

From Truman Library Institute:

“In Brussels, Belgium—home to NATO Headquarters—our Truman delegation joined representatives from all 32 NATO nations to honor the American president who was the catalyst for its creation, Harry S. Truman.
“For the past year, the Truman Library Institute has been working closely with the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Mission to NATO on plans to honor President Truman’s role in the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty—specifically, to install a bronze statue of the president at the U.S. Mission to NATO, known as Truman Hall.
“Now, and for decades to come, every dignitary, diplomat and military official who visits Truman Hall will be introduced to the U.S. president who made it possible.”